Sunday, October 27, 2013

Creator, creation and us

Here's how I think it goes, is going, has gone, will forever go:

There was a mote on a wave, another mote on another wave nearby. The waves became one, the motes coalesced. Was there a bang? A whimper? Probably not, but there was a something. And the pressure built and built, and the stress grew greater and greater (perhaps now a whimper); and the +mote and the wave and the something and time perhaps, perhaps folded or warped or condensed past bearing. And it all flew apart in a thousand million directions.

But it never forgot it had once been One Thing, any more than your finger can forget being part of your hand. Not memory so much as: it just IS.

Since matter is neither created nor destroyed, all things were in the +mote: Saturn and her rings, The Beatles, the iMac, beach sand and horses; the stones of Calvary and the stones of Stonehenge; the gold in my wedding ring, the silver in a coin, the iron in blood, the salt in sweat and tears; you. Also: all the breaths we all have ever taken, all the milk we have made, we have drunk, we have spilled; cows and cowpox; boomerangs and boomers; orangutangs and oranges; ants and antebellum gowns.

When we have those liminal flashes of oneness with the Universe, it's because we are.

When we feel as though our Creator is smiling on us, delighting in us, and smoothing the path before our feet, it is because we have, for a tiny moment, felt the connection of ourselves, the cells of us, with the air around us, the moisture and breeze, and the path itself, reaching toward our feet.

I believe the story of Adam and Eve, and the other stories of becoming human, are a race memory of awareness growing, of breathing in, inspiration of the life in us and around us.

Anyone who has had a lover has known the moment when it is unclear where one stops and the other starts. Anyone who has held a child has felt a fragment of that same unity. I think we are meant to feel that way all the time; it is our refusal to surrender our "individuality" that makes the space between us.

Finally, I believe the true message of all prophets and seers is not only that god loves us; it is that each of us contains a piece of god-stuff, part of the +mote; that we are one with god as we are one with every thing, person, breath. And to love as god loves, as your cells love / adhere to / collaborate with / use and are used by each other, all of us, one thing.

That's how I think it goes, is going, has gone, will forever go; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.

"We are stardust.We are golden..We are billion year old carbon.And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden." - Joni Mitchell, Woodstock

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