Back when my daughter was small, I was talking with someone about her starting school. That someone (I have no memory of who) said to me "Well, isn't it time she learned that she's not the Center of the Universe?" and I mindlessly agreed.
Today, I rejected that idea completely.
Children do NOT need to know they aren't the center of the universe. They should grow up certain that the world does, indeed, revolve around them, and that all creation is there for their delight.
I think that's what we mean when we say "love." It's what my husband and I do for each other: we are the center of each other's universes. And it's what I hope my children feel, when they remember thair childhoods: that all our daily life was about them.
Somewhere, in that heart of love, in that center of delight, is God. Smile. Say hello. Yep; it really is all about you.