Saturday, June 13, 2009

Zen of Highway

We will begin with the simple, and as you grow in understanding we will move to the more complex. Thus will we approach wisdom at not-excessive speeds. Let us start:
  1. It's about the journey, not the destination. Nonetheless, we do wish to arrive sometime, don't we? The accelerator is the one on the right. Yes, even on a freeway entrance ramp.
  2. It is not your job to keep others off the highway. They journey also. Let them in, and see the flow continue; move to block them, and see it screech to a halt.
  3. Control is an illusion. Still, the Right Path can be found between the white lines, not astride one of them.
  4. You are not obligated to control the speed of others. They deserve the opportunity to make their own poor choices. Move right; let them pass. Consider the traffic officer as an agent of karma.
  5. One may desire to leave the freeway; open the way for this one, so he may pursue his own path. More freedom, less gridlock.
  6. When the time comes for you to move beyond, do so gracefully. Be prepared for the change that approaches. Move toward your new path steadily and calmly. That way you may choose where you arrive - work, for example, instead of the Emergency Room.
  7. That's your Teacher, in the silver Passat. Move over, you idiot!


  1. Well done! None of it, of course, applies to moi!

  2. Hehehe I LOVE it!! Our ramps are always completely hosed. Though, to be fair, it'd be a smoother transition if one were given more that 20 feet in which to make said transition.


I welcome your feedback! Please be courteous; don't call names, and always assume good intentions.