Sunday, April 10, 2011

New poem

This is so far untitled; I just can't think of a fitting one. But my priest's sermon inspired me today. This is to whoever you think it is; but I wrote it for one who has carried my heart very tenderly for 40 years.

I was walking out of
the valley of the shadow of death;
I was walking out of
the thick mud and dark cloud of the slough of despond;
and it was hard.
But dimly ahead,
I saw him waiting
with his hand on the gate latch,
ready to welcome me back
to the bright path.

1 comment:

  1. I think the tags you put on this *are* its title: "Constant, Loyal, Dear Friend."

    I know he is all those things to you, and you are blessed.


I welcome your feedback! Please be courteous; don't call names, and always assume good intentions.