Saturday, January 21, 2012

Helmet hair

I read a comment somewhere - perhaps a satirical look at the Republican field - that mentioned that conservatives seem fond of "helmet hair" - the tightly controlled, immobile cap of locks that no breeze can ruffle, even if it's the exhaust from a commercial jet. Newt has it; Callista does too. Sarah had it, and What's-her-name, the nearly-Sarah. Ahhh, yes - Michelle. How quickly we forget the forgettable.

It has to do with control. There's really no mystery.

It's what raised so many hackles back in 1968, what shocked the housewives of 1868, what has ever been a sign of a rebellious youth, a careless man, a slatternly woman. All that hair! Loose, unbound, flying everywhere; the outward sign of an inward disorganization! It's why I consider cutting my own hair - do people think I'm out of control because my hair is? I think some do. (Oh, but I do enjoy keeping people off-balance!)

Of course, to some of us, "helmet hair" has a quite different meaning - it's the result to your hair of pulling a helmet off too fast!

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